Sound Lounge
Soundlounge is the most knowledgeable music consultancy in town. With over 4 decades of experience, our team provides brands and agencies deep levels of audio insights into a complex industry with 360-degree sound solutions, in simple terms and with straightforward steps. We cover everything from Sonic strategy, consumer research & testing, licensing & procurement, sound auditing, original composition & production to generating revenue.
Sector: Leisure & Media
Type: Mobile App
Tech stack: React Native, Python
Team: Georgiy K.,

SoundLounge found itself unexpectedly without a development partner. They had an internal platform that was proving useful but somewhat rough and ready and were receiving interest in building upon the ideas to create a richer platform, with the polish needed for an externally facing application. We 'caught' the internal platform, stabilised it and solved some of the longer-standing bugs. In addition, we helped the business build additional rapid prototypes, and proof of concept functionality to help excite Soundlounge potential partners.

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