Sixley’s online platform makes it easy to recommend and share roles with your trusted network.Sixley is an online platform that makes it easy for you and your team to ask for and reward recommendations from colleagues, industry peers or your LinkedIn and other social networks. Uniquely, Sixley allows everyone contacted about your role to apply, recommend someone else or share the role with their communities. By joining up the path of referral to referral, we ‘bridge the six degrees’ to a hire.
Sector: Recruitment
Type: Mobile App
Tech stack: React, Python, AWS

Sixley wanted technology help to realise their innovative peer-to-peer recruitment platform. We consulted with them in the formative stages of the business on how to architect and deliver the solution. This has grown into a long-term relationship in which TGA is effectively Sixley's technology team, supporting Front End, Backend, design, quality and architecture.

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